Feb 23, 2010

Thoughts and Dreams: Detox Vol.3

Creating the World You Desire

Many of us have particular desires in life. There are things we hope to achieve: goals and ideals that spring from our attempts to reconcile our future and who we currently know ourselves to be. Also important to this equation, this goal mechanism that is our dreams, is our ability to blur the line between fantasy and reality. It is some regard magical to conceptualize something that exists only as a thought and systematically build toward its entry into the real world. It is our talent for making things happen that determines how much power we have over our future. We must make something out of nothing---it is, shall we say, the proverbial hustle?

Now in order to properly discuss this matter of making your dreams into reality, it is imperative we know what factors play a role in this process. To put it simply, there are four meaningful questions you need to ask yourself. Who am I? What can I do? What do I want? How do I get there? The answers to those questions will undoubtedly act as first steps on the path to achieving your innermost desires and attaining true happiness.

Who Am I?

Such a broad question may seem intimidating at first. But the answer isn't as hard as you might think. Everyone can benefit from taking just a few minutes to step outside themselves and see the package that is "you". It's as simple as finding a quiet spot to meditate, putting on your favorite, relaxing tune and asking some questions. How do you feel about yourself? Are you where you hoped to be at this point? Did you even have a goal? Are you single? in love? Are you religious? Take a moment to place yourself on the human spectrum of thought. What are your political views? Are you aware of what's happening around you? What makes you cry? Laugh? Sigh? How do you enjoy yourself? The questions can range from a myriad of places. It doesn't matter if you ask every relevant question (obviously you can't), but what this process does is help to organize the many thoughts in your head concerning who you are as a person. We live each day reacting to so much. So many get so caught up in the daily routine that after a while, we forget who the hell we are. Without taking the time to nurture the individual, without practical self evaluation, how is it we can expect to come into our true selves? our true life's purpose? How can you be happy, if you don't even know what things are near and dear to your heart? I say this only to encourage a bit of reflection. The events of your past, down to the moments passing now, each had something to offer to your present person. Know your inventory. It'll be much easier to sell later if you do.

The question of Who am I relates to self-image and perception. Generating positive self-image from within before it can be manipulated by external factors is essential to realizing your dreams. Insecurities are literally points about yourself of which you aren't completely sure about. Questioning yourself objectively and learning both the positive and negative things about yourself can help direct self-improvement efforts and encourage mental health. It can also improve your relationships with others. The confidence you have in yourself is directly proportional to an understanding of your personal qualities.

What Can I Do?

This is just another way of asking what is it you have to offer? Outside of job interviews, personal statements, applications, and all those crafted forms of selling yourself, have you ever truly thought about what you can do? What are your talents? Abilities? Hobbies and the like? Asking these questions outside the context of selling yourself will generate much more genuine answers. I'd advise taking a second to write down all the things you feel you're good at or would be interested in trying or doing. You might not have done it in years, but perhaps you're an excellent artist? A gymnast? An actor or entertainer? Decorative much? A wiz for computers and the internet? A technology buff? A giver? A great friend? Taking the time to figure these things out will do wonders for not only your self image, but it will make shaping your short term and long term goals for life much easier. By simply taking the time to stay true to your talents and gifts, you drastically increase the effectiveness of your role in planning your life. You are not simply here to exist. You are here to live and do the things you love to do. It is up to you to follow these next steps to ensure you're able to make a living while still crafting a life that is both rewarding and satisfying.

What do I Want?

By now, you should have a pretty good idea of what things drive you. Reflect on your answers to the first two questions: Who am I and what can I do? If you were diligent in considering those matters, you have a nice concept of your values and convictions, your interests, as well as your abilities. These are the things that make you unique. Cherish and value these essential qualities. Think of them every time you make a move in life. Part of improving the quality of your life is establishing a firm base at home---in the depths of your mentality. A person well versed in the things that interest them has much more to offer to the world around them. A person who stands firm in their convictions and pays attention to what they believe in has tapped into the ultimate source of inner strength---that of personal will and the desire to protect one's mind and heart. It is this sort of passion that created the likes of Dr. Martin King and Mother Theresa. It created Toni Morrison and Bill Gates. It created you. Knowing where you stand and what matters to you is the first step to greatness. It gives you something to fall back on. I remember during one of the most trying times in my life, the only thing powerful enough to motivate me to live was my singular belief I was destined to achieve. I told myself that everyday. I had passions, like flames, already set ablaze; No rain could kill that fire.

Be sure to consider both the "who" and the "what"? By that I mean life is more than just the philosophy. It is the application. What you actually do is still the single most effective means to progress. With that said, make a conscious effort to include your abilities and personal gifts in everything you do. Find jobs that match your interests and maximize the opportunity for you to contribute to society. I don't mean community service (although that could very well be your passion), I mean knowing that you have something valuable to express and making sure you have the adequate platform. The money will come. What's important here is the quality of your life. I can't tell you how frustrated I've been lately wondering if graduate school is really where I need to be going next. Of course it seems the best option because society values education and stability, but the fact is if I feel my creativity is stifled working my 9--5, even if I'm my own boss,make my own hours and have an awesome position on paper, it means nothing if I'm not doing the things I love to do, expressing the feelings I want to express, living the life I want to live. I work in higher education and plan to attend graduate school for student counseling. No doubt, I love impacting students' lives. I don't have to stop doing that work. But I owe it to the students I work for to come 100%. So it's vital I'm happy and stable mentally. So even if my current career path isn't everything I want, there is nothing stopping me from doing the things I love in my spare time. Many cheat themselves because they invest their energy into one thing, usually external. It could be a relationship, a job, a family issue, anything. However, always consider your life as a canvas and the act of living is the paintbrush. You, my friend, are the color. Everything you think and subsequently do adds color to your life and contributes to the bigger picture. Some colors will show more than others, but no one color makes the entire portrait. You owe it to yourself to know what colors you have and paint the picture you want to see.

I say that to emphasize the importance of knowing what you want. Use what you know about yourself to shape your future goals and never hesitate to reach high. By taking the steps I've outlined here, you're already in the elite. Most will never take control of their lives and their minds will remain perpetually in existential purgatory.

How Do I Get There?

The final stage....we've engaged in self-reflection and have a firm idea of our personal perspective and inventory. We know what we want and what we care about. The only thing left now is the magic.

Essential to achieving anything is the realization we are all human. Each of us have a particular set of circumstances to deal with, our own self image. We all have feelings, dreams, hopes and aspirations. With the media constantly sensationalizing the lives of others and glamorizing the human experience, it can seem much easier to assume our lot in life is final. For many in poverty, college is but a distant illusion. The middle class dreams of a world where posturing and semantics can be replaced with authentic and genuine concern for the world. The best and brightest minds even, rely on fantastical concepts of what might be and ask "why not" to drive their pursuit of knowledge. My point is we all have dreams. Those dreams are rooted in the same ground, the same earth. Each of us has this one earth as our canvas, and regardless of what you might think, one picture to be painted. We are all connected. Upon that premise, know that there is nothing in life you cannot do. There is nothing fundamentally different between you and the most successful role model you have. The only difference is circumstance, action and opportunity--all things easily rectified.

Second, once you understand there is nothing you cannot do, it's simply a matter of investing the time and patience into making your dreams reality. Setting actual goals and writing them down, marking them off as you achieve them will help build confidence and carry you through more difficult tasks. Break your goals down into realistic parts. I mean realistic inasmuch as you organize your path to achievement. There's nothing wrong with wanting the most from life. But understand every goal has its price and you must be prepared to do what you have to in order to succeed.

Third, know the terrain and equip yourself with the knowledge necessary to plan effectively in life. Once you know what you care about and what passions you possess, invest in them. This doesn't necessarily mean monetary efforts either. By investing in your talents and interests and learning about them daily, you are investing in you. The rapid changes in technology now enable us to learn more than ever about practically any subject. No longer are the times when books and schools were the only means of education. Google and Youtube have consolidated more media than we could have imagined. Even video games now are capable of entertaining us in ways we couldn't have dreamed of just ten years ago. We can get our news and updates instantly from our cell phones and learn all there is to know about anyone from the comfort of our desks or couches. Invest in learning how to research and use this technology. It has done wonders for me. The more you know, the greater the chance you'll put yourself in a position to capitalize on rare opportunities. Also, it makes the world much smaller when you follow the latest trends in areas such as politics, entertainment, or education. Being aware is half the battle. It enables you to network effectively and direct your efforts more efficiently.


Using the power of learning and self reflection, suddenly the line between where you are and where you want to be isn't so clear. What I have attempted to argue is that by harnessing the power of self--perception and self--image, we can become better people. Better in the sense we are more aware of what makes us each valuable. From that point, we can invest in cultivating our true selves and using that understanding to strengthen our resolve, resiliency and passion in life. By recognizing and acknowledging our desires and interests in all our endeavors, we can better the quality of our life and work. By organizing our thoughts and setting goals which can be broken down into small steps, we can achieve more. By educating ourselves, we are more prepared. It is my belief that by addressing these essential areas, we can all be great. Is it simply a matter of action that is keeping you from achieving your destiny? Yes. No matter what you do, you must do something. I hope I've given you some things to think about as you continue your efforts.