Jan 14, 2010

We are still in the diagnostic stages of the Detox, so expect many thoughts. Lately, spiritual and creative forces have been at work in my life. The Detox is already opening up my mind to positive vibes. A friend and I recently had a conversation concerning God and His existence, this world, good and evil, all that type stuff....I have no idea why, but the dots came together. It all made sense since I was able to reconcile both my role and His in my daily life. I was right about one thing---everything I do is entirely up to me. I can make choices,any choices and each has a consequence. I've always believed bad things just happen and the whole "never more than you can bear" thing got pretty old pretty fast. But now I understand that God created and shaped this universe for reasons I could never comprehend (not that I've tried lately since I was pretty much done with it) and we simply inhabit that space with free will. That will separates good choices from bad ones. Sometimes God steps in and provides situations and people that might help us along (or give us a wake up call). From that point, it's all us.

I maintain my views about religion and the bible, but I understand those now as reflections of different time and place, where people like Jesus were chillin' in the cut while slavery, polygamy, crucifixion, and all kinds of other olden stuff went on. Jesus was a bad mofo--this I have always known. However it's much easier for me to understand exactly why Jesus came now. I'd explain it, but I'm already bad about blogging so I gotta make it count.


oK, so for some reason, the writer's block is gone, and I'm rapping like I was in high school. A week ago, I couldn't write a verse----I haven't slept in almost 48 hours because I come home to my makeshift studio (AKA a fast ass computer and knowing how to use mixing software) and lay down track after track after track.

Oops...almost forgot. Yeah I rap lol A lot....The thing is I have always loved rapping. It's the most raw medium for expressing oneself.

The link below is to some of my work. Some of it sounds a lil rough because I've refused to invest in this particular hobby for fear I'll fall into the same category as the people I talk shit about----another studio head with a dollar and a dream.........buuuut hey---that's one of my tracks on the leak, so I can relate. Listen!!!!! Bob ya heads and enjoy---it's good stuff.

Come Take A Ride With Me


Got a Dollar and a Dream


Put You on the Met


Jan 11, 2010

Thoughts and Dreams: Detox Vol.1

Hello world--long time no see---

Pardon if I'm a bit antsy, but it's taking everything in me to not cop some cigs right now. I'll explain why I won't just go get them later. Lately, I've been growing anxious concerning the prospects of my future. I'm not at all confident I'm doing what needs to be done to move forward. Why? Quite frankly, because I'm a lazy fucking bum. There I said it. Henrico Antwan Norris--as it stands is a complete waste of space: too busy waiting for success to fall into his lap to get up and take control of his own life.

Over the past few weeks, I've grown increasingly disappointed with where I am in life. Sure, I'm 22 and some may feel I have plenty of time for a midlife crisis, but if being around Emory kids does anything to you, it reminds you that there is AlWAYS someone progressing. Always someone else working, applying, executing, or developing when I'm being lazy. I'm sorry, but the previous standards I had of simply exiting the hood are proving inadequate for my desired path.

I've been racking my brain trying to figure out why I'm feeling like such an underachiever. When did this start? That would undoubtedly help me figure out how to get over it. I took a step back and noticed that I've neglected to address my person for the better part of 2 years--perhaps longer. Understand that in order to mature properly, you've got to commit yourself to daily self evaluation (note NOT useless self criticism).

And thus we have the Thoughts and Dreams: Detox series. More for my own benefit than anything, I intend on chronicling the progress of my self improvement, by articulating the areas that have the most need and working my way toward becoming the person I want to be. This means setting goals; this means accepting the challenge of changing habits I've had for years. It will be uncomfortable, but it will also be rewarding and productive. Feel free to comment and add your perspectives---I plan on being quite candid throughout this process, so I'm sure to have different positions than most people on a number of issues.

Detox Step #1

The first and most important part of this detox process is establishing your base areas for improvement. It's important I take the time to think of areas in my life I am genuinely concerned about. I won't have as much chance for success if I focus my energy on improving things I don't think matter. So with that said, Let's list the areas I care most deeply about.......

  • Health
  • Finances and Essential Needs
  • Values and Convictions
  • Career Goals
  • Leisure Time
  • Education
  • Creative Release
  • Home Environment
  • Love and Relationships
  • Achievement
  • My Self Perception
  • Quality of my Social Interactions/Connections
  • Coping with Stress
This list is ever changing and is in no way exhaustive. However, it provides a much needed starting point to affect change in the way I do things. Now, before we move forward, let's take out a couple of these bullets from above:

Love and Relationships
Quality of my Social Interactions/Connections

Notice these two areas deal with other people. So for now, we're going to put those on the back burner. It is vital I address the needs of "self" and my own person before incorporating others into my detox. In fact, short of this blog, I don't plan on involving others in this process to a large degree. I've deactivated any social networks for the time being. That's mainly because part of the detox is understanding who I am independent of people and other external factors.

Isolation may not be the best means for everyone, but it takes knowing what your needs are. I know many of my issues stem from comparing myself to other people for instance. Many of my self perception issues cause me to feel awkward and uncomfortable in social settings. And of course without values and convictions, how can you truly add substance to your interactions with others. These are just a couple of examples, but essentially I want to make the point that REAL CHANGE STARTS FROM THE INSIDE, so take a break from the external pressure for a while and chill. Focus on doing your own thing and in time, we'll deal with everything else.

So I've taken the first step in this Detox and laid out what areas I want to improve. The next step is the diagnostic: an honest evaluation of how I'm doing in each of these areas and what will need to be done.