Jun 11, 2010

"The Secret" of Success

I attended what seemed to be an open house for this condo in downtown Atlanta with a photographer friend of mine. What is amazing about this guy is he doesn't have much outside of his insanely positive outlook on life. What's strange though is he has single-handedly generated a network that includes some of the most successful people in Atlanta. Not to mention, he has his own website, business, and will host his first exhibit later on today. At first I was a hater, no lie, because I couldn't wrap my mind around his success. It was simply baffling how someone could generate so much positive energy and luck when from the outside in, things looked much worse.
Then I hung out with this guy a few times. He preached to me how it was essential to immerse myself in the social scene I wanted to be a part of. So I went to a fashion show (yes a damn fashion show) and a couple of other "casual chic" events with him and I won't lie---the man has connections. In addition, I was thoroughly inspired just standing in the presence of so many creative people. Of course, he's shooting away and you don't think these people asked him to photograph THEIR events? So far, he's gotten us into these events for free and for me it's been a crash course in success. Today for instance, we were enjoying free drinks and food on the 21st floor of a multi-million dollar condo overlooking the beautiful Atlanta skyline. He has been working diligently to help me cultivate my talents and passions. When I go to these events, he teaches me about networking, believing in my aspirations, and "faking it until you make it"--lol I won't lie, I've said it so much that it would be hard to deny I am indeed a writer with a national fan base and an actor o_O. I spoke with a lady today who works at the Ron Clark academy teaching English. What was interesting was that this academy focuses on low income and underprivileged youth. Of course this got my full attention, because such things are very important to me. I would have never expected this particular crowd to include anyone I could relate to, but as I go to more and more of these events, I'm beginning to notice all of us are after the same thing--awe and inspiration. It's been a big shift from what I've spent the last year doing--smoking weed and "talk, talk, talking". Although I remain a proponent of mary j--just in the right context ; ) One week ago, things were looking grim. Nothing has changed about my circumstances, but by taking this young professional's advice and reshaping the way I think, I've been able to retool my passion for life. The flame is rekindled. This blog is one example--I've written three consecutive entries!!!

He also put me on "The Secret", this CD set that discusses how one secret has separated the successful from the unsuccessful for centuries: the law of attraction. It details how this law is the single greatest force that exists in our universe and has been active in the lives of some of our greatest thinkers--Plato, Socrates, Emerson,etc . It then goes into how this law is reflected in our thoughts. Essentially "like attracts like" and our thoughts attract like things as well. For instance, if I think success, I will attract success. Sounds simple enough. What was interesting however, was how they took this concept one step further: If I think in terms of negation such as "I don't want to fail"--I will STILL attract failure. The Law of Attraction does not discriminate between "I don't want" and "I do want". In that regard, the information was very new to me. I am constantly telling myself what I don't want and according to this theory, I'm yet still filling my head with unhealthy thoughts.

I'm only halfway through the first CD--I'll be sure to post whatever related media I find.

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