Jan 14, 2010

We are still in the diagnostic stages of the Detox, so expect many thoughts. Lately, spiritual and creative forces have been at work in my life. The Detox is already opening up my mind to positive vibes. A friend and I recently had a conversation concerning God and His existence, this world, good and evil, all that type stuff....I have no idea why, but the dots came together. It all made sense since I was able to reconcile both my role and His in my daily life. I was right about one thing---everything I do is entirely up to me. I can make choices,any choices and each has a consequence. I've always believed bad things just happen and the whole "never more than you can bear" thing got pretty old pretty fast. But now I understand that God created and shaped this universe for reasons I could never comprehend (not that I've tried lately since I was pretty much done with it) and we simply inhabit that space with free will. That will separates good choices from bad ones. Sometimes God steps in and provides situations and people that might help us along (or give us a wake up call). From that point, it's all us.

I maintain my views about religion and the bible, but I understand those now as reflections of different time and place, where people like Jesus were chillin' in the cut while slavery, polygamy, crucifixion, and all kinds of other olden stuff went on. Jesus was a bad mofo--this I have always known. However it's much easier for me to understand exactly why Jesus came now. I'd explain it, but I'm already bad about blogging so I gotta make it count.


oK, so for some reason, the writer's block is gone, and I'm rapping like I was in high school. A week ago, I couldn't write a verse----I haven't slept in almost 48 hours because I come home to my makeshift studio (AKA a fast ass computer and knowing how to use mixing software) and lay down track after track after track.

Oops...almost forgot. Yeah I rap lol A lot....The thing is I have always loved rapping. It's the most raw medium for expressing oneself.

The link below is to some of my work. Some of it sounds a lil rough because I've refused to invest in this particular hobby for fear I'll fall into the same category as the people I talk shit about----another studio head with a dollar and a dream.........buuuut hey---that's one of my tracks on the leak, so I can relate. Listen!!!!! Bob ya heads and enjoy---it's good stuff.

Come Take A Ride With Me


Got a Dollar and a Dream


Put You on the Met


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