Aug 9, 2009

The Birth of Perspective

I have always valued the importance of creative space. I personally believe each and every person has thoughts, bred from experience and imagination, that lie dormant behind the veil that is "real life". I find it ironic to choose that term because in my opinion, real life isn't very real at all. Most of us spend our time shaping our personalities to fit a particular medium from day to day, all for the purpose of keeping our most honest beliefs to ourselves. Is it because we are afraid of what people might think? Perhaps we don't understand our thoughts enough to articulate or act on them? Maybe we're in denial that our true selves are even hidden at all--whatever the case may be, this blog is my effort to express myself and my thoughts on the many subjects of the world--particularly finding purpose, understanding people and interactions, love, emotion and the rawest sense of feeling that can be gained from living. Of course these topics are broad, but somehow perspective and the heart are able to sift through even the most complicated of issues and leave us with something I like to call "The Real*st Perspective*

So you can kind of get an idea of what to expect, I'll tell you a bit about myself and my way of thinking. I was born in Columbia, SC, raised in the inner city and have had my fair share of trials in life. There's no need to go into any specific detail but the important thing is the lessons I've learned along the way (and am still learning). Frankly, I've grown to find the world just a tad bit irritating for my tastes--I've always felt the people around me are constantly putting up a front--for what reason, I do not know. I've been in a lot of relationships, seen and done many things that have all influenced my philosophy and approach to living. At this point, I am a realist by label, but I would never be silly enough to believe that encompasses everything about me. I do believe however, that thinking in the ideal is a one way ticket to disappointment. That does not mean I am a pessimist, and it does not mean I'm opposed to thinking positive for positive results. It simply means I see the situations in my past and present, the facts rather, as unavoidable factors in how I decide to live from one moment to the next. I do not ignore these facts and believe anyone who does for whatever reason is living in a fantasy and fantasies are just that--fantasies.

I do dream though. I have aspirations just like you do. I want to be successful in every sense of the word and find complete satisfaction in my career, love life, and activities. I want to meet new people who think like I do and some who think nothing like me. I want to learn new ways of communication and understand things for their true meaning, not what society believes. This blog is a chronicling of those experiences. My creative output is about as random as life itself.

More than anything, attending college as a first generation student really exposed me to the foundation of what I believe life to mean. Within the span of four years, I've lost everything and gained it back, redefined my views on love, met some of the most memorable people I think I'll ever meet, dismissed religion and sought it again, developed a bitter resentment for the middle class, regained a sense of family, questioned God's existence, reinvented myself a number of times and that's only to name a few. As an English/Creative Writing major, I may have written a thing or two in that time as well. The point is I feel it's my duty to myself and others to share my thoughts on how all of this fits together and where the hell I'm going with my life. This blog is the latest of many spaces meant to achieve a sensible conclusion about why people exist and what I can do to make my and your existence more purposeful. Quite bold of me, ya think?

It is my hope you'll find something useful in my posts--honestly I only want people to think and if I'm really lucky, you'll share your thoughts through comments or even posts of your own (If you want to be a contributor, just hit me up). But more than anything, I've given myself a much needed release from the monotony of day to day living. This is my canvas and writing will always be my most reliable means of creating a world where things make sense TO ME.

eNjoY : )

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