Aug 27, 2009

Personal Renovations: Baby Steps and Patience

So I've been thinking more and more lately about how to improve the quality of my life. More specifically, I'm wondering if I'm doing enough at this point to ensure I'm on the path to success. Fact is I'm not.

There are a few primary areas that have consumed the majority of my time and energy. Those areas are finances, social interaction at all levels, finding a career, and overall being more purposeful in my actions.

I've decided that in order to develop in these areas, it's going to take a concerted effort. I've been sitting on my ass waiting for shit to happen and it just doesn't work that way. The only way to achieve is to perform---perform at the highest level I can at all times. Knowledge of this fact is the key to making positive changes in my life. I am fully aware that I have the potential to fulfill my dreams of attaining a peaceful and thoroughly creative mind, but it's definitely going to take hard work.

In the coming weeks, I'll be blogging about my successes, failures and thoughts during this process. It's more to keep me grounded and focused on my goal. Also, it'll help me get used to writing more often. I feel like writing is definitely the most effective means of therapy for me. It's been that way since day one and I can't imagine why I stopped, even for a little while. But the here and now is all that matters.


The first and most important step to creating positive change is cultivating a positive, productive mindset. All negative thoughts including, but not limited to doubt, fear, antagonism, bitterness and worry must be removed. A daily affirmation is useful in establishing a firm base for successful thinking. Motivational or profound quotes have always did it for me. My facebook status is a good idea of what I mean--pick quotes that make you think, not the cliche sort that people hear everyday from their grandparents...

As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives. -Henry David Thoreau

Now isn't that beautiful and profound? Basically he's saying that we can't simply change on a whim, think a thought once and be done with it. We must continually and everlastingly think the "thoughts we wish to dominate our lives." We have to train our minds to work in the way we wish our persons to be. In my experience, it's best to envision yourself living the life you want to and working your way backward from there. First what kind of person do you want to be? What are your passions currently? Invest in the good ones. What are your hopes and dreams? Take the steps now to try to achieve as many of them as you can. You'd be surprised at how much you're actually capable of when you simply try. Think of it this way. Everyone dreams and wants things, but a very small percentage even begin to work toward their fondest desires. By simply beginning, you've brought yourself closer to your dreams than you could ever believe. It could be as simple as building your resume and applying for a job, auditioning for theater, writing a story or too, committing to furthering your education, making a list of things to do, cleaning your room, working out, quitting smoking, telling yourself you're worthy of success, praying every night, or any of a variety of things that represent moving toward becoming who it is you want to be. EVALUATE YOURSELF HONESTLY AND CRUDELY AND KEEP AN OPEN MIND. FROM THERE, CREATE THE SELF IMAGE THAT REPRESENTS THE ESSENCE OF THE QUINTESSENTIAL "YOU".

By constantly improving your self perception and always finding new positive goals to add to your desired self image, you provide yourself with structure and a guide toward success. Your self image is the backbone of your path to success.

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