Aug 11, 2009

Why these men continue to dog you out.......

As if understanding men was anything close to complicated....please...we are quite the simple creatures. However, somehow, some way, there are ladies that continue to let themselves be driven bat crazy by men engaged in fits of deception and whose priorities are all screwed up. Some men want sex, some want a mother (as Sweet Z so aptly put it) and some don't know what they want but are enamored with the idea of getting YOUR precious, valuable attention. And in the end, everyone's all upset.

Honestly ladies, if your needs aren't being met in a relationship, it's not the man's fault, it's YOURS. All I'm asking is that you take the time to figure out what kind of man you truly desire and instead of spending time flirting and wondering if he likes you, or jumping at the opportunity to get those superficial needs met, CHALLENGE these men and be sure they are putting in the effort to understand you as a person during the friendship stage. Sure you'll run a few off, but oh well, they aren't worth your time. I assure you it's worth it to focus on what a guy does for you on those deeper levels than what he can do in the short term.

And it goes both ways. Not only should you be sure the guys are thinking right, but you should have a pretty good idea of what you want before you get to the store ya know. The mark of maturity is how you've taken your life and used it to figure out where your future is and not just living in the moment. Bettering yourself is the best way to find a good man because a good man will see it, acknowledge it and appreciate it. The REALLY good men will recognize where you are in life and do everything they can to push you further. Of course that can't be done guessed it......they are doing something with their damn selves.

If you neglect to understand who you are and what you want, don't expect a man to know or care about you very much beyond his needs. And I promise a relationship with a man who's worried about himself will only lead to disaster. But you knew that already? Right?

So the next time you ask yourself if he likes you....truly ask yourself if you like him....

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