Aug 12, 2009

Realizing Your Potential-Bound in your own Mental Shackles Part 1 Share

We have to reevaluate what matters people. We have to make the most of our lives....

To myself and the masses of bad decision makers,

When will the education profit you? When will you stop deceiving yourself and believing that the path you walk, the thoughts you think, the choices you continue to make upon the basis of your own severely limited thought processes are anything close to your potential, your greatest position in life? When will you cease with the participation in mediocre, otherwise pointless endeavors and begin to transform yourself into a model of productivity? When will you seek peace in the correct places and stop with the knock-off appearances of "happy", "content" and perfectly okay with putting on the facade of well being? Enough with the games, man, when are you going to decide to win? When will your dedicate yourself to reality, truth and authentic happiness?

It's not as if you don't understand your errors in judgment. It's not as if you are ignorant to the negativity and poison you've continued to welcome into your life--all for the fleeting passion of the moment, the emotional and mental high that comes from living as if you are oblivious to right and wrong. Who are you fooling? You aren't even fooling yourself and to be truthful, that in itself is amazing considering you've up to this point never given anyone reason to believe you are capable of discerning concepts as simple as consequences, as the "long run"....As your future?

More specifically, you focus your energies on dead pursuits. What I mean is you invest your precious ability into fits of pleasure, for the wrong types of attention and company, in essentially creating a false sense of security. It angers me to no end!

At moments you show glimmers of hope, small signs of the power you hold within to change the world, to change your life and way of thinking in order to have the greatest influence you can have--that of adding positive energy to this place.

You've chosen to be uninterested in cultivating habits and beliefs, behaviors and efforts aimed at shaping you into a wholesome individual and giving your life the purpose you've sought for so long.

Why? Where are you going with the mayhem, the unhealthy lifestyle and this twisted thinking that has got you believing more in the people who hurt you and the indulgences of a vagabond than the prospect of a God who can and has restored your soul from pieces? Do you not remember where you were just a short time ago? Recognize that you are lucky to even have the opportunities you have because you haven't made God or fortune's job easier with your foolish actions and decisions.

Stop wasting away with thoughts of what you could do, what you feel you don't have the discipline to do or silly ideas of believing this existence you have now is all there is to life.There is so much more and you know it!! I don't need to show you a slideshow of your future if you correct your philosophies! You fully understand what's at stake here!! Think of what the next 50 or 60 years of your life could be or more seriously, are you going to ignore what may be the fate of your soul after you leave this plain of existence? Do you really want to take that risk? Eternity?

If for nothing else, reevaluate your current state of mind for the sake of your inner peace. How long do you want to swim in sin, in boredom, in the relative predictability of lust, sloth and being dare I say, average? What is that? Nothing is what is! Nothing! you're worth so much more!

If even for your own pride, do something! I can't watch you rot! I can't be satisfied with settling! Your family, your peers, those rich and poor, famed, esteemed or hated cannot be your measuring stick for success. Measure yourself against the belief that you are capable of nothing less than the best, the most that life and love have to offer you. Pray that a change is made in your heart and that you will finally commit to taking the road less traveled.

I promise the results will amaze you.

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