Aug 11, 2009

An Exposition on Sense

What is it that changes a person? Teaches them how to live and apply the knowledge from lessons learned? What is it that drives a person to ponder what normalities are flawed and useless? I question what you say, and my doubts are plenty because you don't know why you are you indeed. To live without knowing who you are is to simply exist and sense is lacking in such a state.

Sense is seeing, adapting, embracing those differences of experience. It's feeling the things around you and a constant acceptance of diversity. Without this assimilation, you are and will always be a fool.

Sense is maturing and progress. Stagnation is a sign of apathy. Why is it that you choose to remain the same? How boring it is to be predictable. No one is interested in you truly because you are the same and hence are no more valuable than some stereotype and you lend yourself to be judged by others like you.

Sense is silence. Hush and hear the words of the world as they are teeming with knowledge and perspective. Ignorance is bliss, but it is still ignorance. How can you grow when you don't even know when you're being ridiculed, torn and broken by the masses?

Sense is compassion, empathy and love. Forget yourself. Only when you live to understand the ways of men will you truly be complete. You are but a small part of a greater existence. Learn the whole and be wise to the thoughts of those around you so that you have control over every aspect of your life, yes the vital perceptions of the people too.

Sense is humility. You are not perfect and you will make mistakes. You will face the consequences of your actions. Be wary. Sense is knowing you are responsible for the image you portray. To have sense is to grow, but how difficult it is to repair a broken sculpture of your essence. Your mind will be ripped to shreds if you paint a picture of despair, turmoil and misery.

Sense is sense. Either you have it or you don't.

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