Aug 11, 2009

The Greatest to Ever Do it Part 1: Kobe Bryant

You should always strive to be the best at everything you do. Don't take any prisoners and never, ever let someone tell you they are better than you at anything. Many might say I'm arrogant for thinking this way, but here's how I see it. My competitive spirit extends into every arena of my life--it dictates my approach to each and every challenge I come across. Muhammad Ali said "I'm the greatest. I said that before I even knew I was" and went on to become the single greatest athlete ever. His mind was already wired to believe he was the best. That became an undeniable truth to him. From there his brain automatically worked to support his positive self image. I'm reading Psycho-Cybernetics now, an excellent book that talks about developing positive self images and how your mind acts to fulfill those beliefs without compromise. You should pick it up. Because I see no task as impossible and believe myself to be capable of doing any and all things, I'm able to cultivate a personality that accepts challenges, values learning and knowledge, and it's wired in me to always separate myself from the masses.

That was the premise for this new series of post-- The Greatest To Ever Do It.Each Week I'll post material on one of my role models and discuss why I try to model my self image after their own. I'll discuss how they demonstrate the power of purpose and confidence in life.

Ok, Anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge sports fan. Quite frankly, it's been a dream of mine to be able to play professional football (of course this will never happen lol) And basketball has been a hobby of mine for some years. I'd say I'm decent, but honestly when you're on, you're on.

But on to my point, this week's entry is on the Black Mamba, the assassin Kobe Bryant. He epitomizes hard work and determination and though he's had to deal with haters and a few mistakes in life, his drive to be the best took him from a High School phenom to one of the best to ever do it on the court. Recently he won his first championship as the leader of his team, the Los Angeles Lakers, climbing from the bottom of the barrel after three championships playing behind Shaq and now he's on top again. He's dedicated himself to perfecting every facet of his game and is widely regarded as the best all around player in today's NBA. When he's on the court, he dominates and that's all there is to it. He has no heart when it comes to competition and his sole purpose is to win. He doesn't live by the philosophy "give it your best and win or lose, you'll be happy". HE WANTS TO WIN. That's how I feel about what I do. Whether it's Scrabble, a pick up game of basketball, a writing contest, applying to college, a class I'm taking, doesn't matter--in my mind, I believe I can do that task better than anyone and will do all I can to confirm that belief. If you're not a kobe fan after watching these vids, something is wrong.

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